My name is Andreina, my birthday is on November seventh, I was born in 1979, It´s November because it´s my birthday and we celebrate Chinita´s fair.
Her name is Mariana, she birthday is on August nineteenth , she was born on August 1986.
His name is Jairo, he birthday is on February sixth ,he was born on April 1983
It´s other interesting holiday in the U.S.A that day the people give thanks to God for all the things they have and they usually prepare a lot of food specially turkey, than they share all the food with their neighbors. In the U.S. A this thay it´s on November 21 or 22, the people doesn´t wear costumes they wear casuals clothes.
In Maracaibo we celebrate the Chinita´s day on November 18, it´s a really important holiday for us, we usually go to the church and give flowers to the Chinita is a virgin, she appear in our city a years a go on November 18. After to go to the church the people usually walks for different streets next to the virgin that day the people wear casual clothes.
I live in house, I my house, there are eleven rooms, three bedroom, two bathroom., a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a garage, a laundry room, a terrace, In my house my bedroom is on the second floor. There is also a closet, and stereo. We like to listen to music at night before we go to sleep.
miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008
miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008
activities the english
My name is Andreina. I like to go to the gym and spend time with husband and my daughter. My favorite TV channel is people and arts, and my favorite YV show is extreme makeover and I saw it on Sunday at nine-thirty at night.
Interview to my friend: TRIMAR
1.- What is her name?
Her name is Trimar
2.- What does she like to do ?
She likes to go the movies
3.- What other activities she likes to do ?
She likes to travel a lot.
4.- What is her favorite TV channel ?
Her favorite TV channel is people and arts
5.- What is her favorite TV show ?
Her favorite TV show is American Shopper and she saw it on Thursday at seven o’clock.
Interview to my friend: JOSEPH
1.- What is his name?
His name is Joseph
2.- What does he like to do ?
he likes to go the movies
3.- What other activities he likes to do ?
he likes to go out with his girlfriend
4.- What is his favorite TV channel ?
His favorite TV channel is MTV
5.- What is his favorite TV show ?
His favorite TV show is Next and he saw it everyday at four o’clock
7:30 am leave my daughter at school
8:00 am In the office
6:00 pm
In the university
12:00 pm
lunch with friends
4:00 pm
Dentist appointment
8:00 pm
Nominee class
Client reunion
12:00 pm
Family lunch
3:00 pm
My daughter’s flamenco class
9:20 am
English test
2:00 pm
Go to work
6:00 pm
In the university
8:00 am
In the office
12:00 pm
Family lunch
5:00 pm
Study group
2:00 pm
My daughter’s swimming class
8:00 pm
My grandmother party
12:00 pm
My husband softball play
6:00 pm
Eat ice cream with my family
Interview to my friend: TRIMAR
1.- What is her name?
Her name is Trimar
2.- What does she like to do ?
She likes to go the movies
3.- What other activities she likes to do ?
She likes to travel a lot.
4.- What is her favorite TV channel ?
Her favorite TV channel is people and arts
5.- What is her favorite TV show ?
Her favorite TV show is American Shopper and she saw it on Thursday at seven o’clock.
Interview to my friend: JOSEPH
1.- What is his name?
His name is Joseph
2.- What does he like to do ?
he likes to go the movies
3.- What other activities he likes to do ?
he likes to go out with his girlfriend
4.- What is his favorite TV channel ?
His favorite TV channel is MTV
5.- What is his favorite TV show ?
His favorite TV show is Next and he saw it everyday at four o’clock
7:30 am leave my daughter at school
8:00 am In the office
6:00 pm
In the university
12:00 pm
lunch with friends
4:00 pm
Dentist appointment
8:00 pm
Nominee class
Client reunion
12:00 pm
Family lunch
3:00 pm
My daughter’s flamenco class
9:20 am
English test
2:00 pm
Go to work
6:00 pm
In the university
8:00 am
In the office
12:00 pm
Family lunch
5:00 pm
Study group
2:00 pm
My daughter’s swimming class
8:00 pm
My grandmother party
12:00 pm
My husband softball play
6:00 pm
Eat ice cream with my family
jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008
welcome to my blogs
Hello ¡ my name is Andreina, but you can call me Nina, I’m 28 years old, I love listen music and hang out whit my husband and baby, she have four years old. My dream is graduate in Lice. Relations Industrials in URBE, and my satisfaction is studding.
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