My name is Andreina, my birthday is on November seventh, I was born in 1979, It´s November because it´s my birthday and we celebrate Chinita´s fair.
Her name is Mariana, she birthday is on August nineteenth , she was born on August 1986.
His name is Jairo, he birthday is on February sixth ,he was born on April 1983
It´s other interesting holiday in the U.S.A that day the people give thanks to God for all the things they have and they usually prepare a lot of food specially turkey, than they share all the food with their neighbors. In the U.S. A this thay it´s on November 21 or 22, the people doesn´t wear costumes they wear casuals clothes.
In Maracaibo we celebrate the Chinita´s day on November 18, it´s a really important holiday for us, we usually go to the church and give flowers to the Chinita is a virgin, she appear in our city a years a go on November 18. After to go to the church the people usually walks for different streets next to the virgin that day the people wear casual clothes.
I live in house, I my house, there are eleven rooms, three bedroom, two bathroom., a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a garage, a laundry room, a terrace, In my house my bedroom is on the second floor. There is also a closet, and stereo. We like to listen to music at night before we go to sleep.
miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008
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